We support multiple languages at Search For Jesus and we need your help sharing the hope of Jesus Christ with people from all nations and languages. We are looking for volunteers who are fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, and ASL (American Sign Language). Please complete the appropriate form below.
Do you have a heart for reaching people with the Gospel and then helping them become faithful followers of Jesus Christ? There are many ways you can volunteer, including responding to people who visit our website and social media pages, answering questions from those taking our online discipleship courses, interviewing other prospective volunteers, and connecting men and women to churches near them. You can also serve on our prayer team by interceding for the visitors and volunteers who are online at any given time.
¿Sientes que hablar de Jesucristo y compartir las Buenas Nuevas no es simplemente una buena idea o una sugerencia opcional? ¿Sientes compasión por la gente que anda “agobiada y desamparada, como ovejas sin pastor”? Entonces puedes unirte al equipo de voluntarios que se dedica a evangelizar y discipular en línea. Hay varias formas de interactuar con gente que necesita conocer a Jesús.
O seu coração é apaixonado por ver outros se tornarem seguidores de Jesus Cristo? Esta é a oportunidade de cumprir a Grande Comissão alcançando pessoas com a Esperança de Jesus Cristo através da Internet!
Compartilhe o Evangelho em português com pessoas em qualquer parte do mundo, através de plataformas seguras, por email e redes sociais, ou ajude novos crentes a dar os primeiros passos em sua caminhada cristã sendo um mentor online.
比如說,你可以通過在線對話來回复福音網站和社交媒體的在線訪客。或者, 回應在線門徒課程的學員提出的問題。還有,你可以聆聽非信徒的實際需求,幫助製作能吸引他們的社交媒體內容。如果你擅長組織和溝通,還可以擔任招募、面試其他潛在義工的角色。另外,你也可以幫助把在線訪客連接到附近的本地教會。如果你喜歡禱告,也可以加入我們的禱告小組,每天為在線訪客和義工們祈禱。
اخدم الله كمتطوع معنا بالغة العربية
أخدم الله معنا ووصل رسالة المسيح للعرب حول العالم عن طريق الانترنت. خدمة البحث عن سيدنا المسيح هي جزء من خدمة جمعية بيلي غراهام الإنجيلية، وفيها نعتمد على استخدام الأنترنت لربط الباحثين عن سيدنا المسيح مع أتباعه. إن مهمة صفحاتنا هي استخدام الانترنت لإيصال رسالة المسيح للناس حول العالم.
Есть ли у тебя желание присоединиться к команде людей, которые делятся евангелием онлайн и служить Богу вместе с нами на русском языке? Нажимай на кнопку ниже!
ASL (American Sign Language)
Only 3% of the Deaf have ever had the Gospel explained in their heart language and less than 1% attend a local church. Do you have a burden to reach the Deaf for Christ through online engagement, discipleship courses in ASL, and connecting them with a local church with a Deaf ministry? ASL is not interpreted English, but in fact its own unique language. If you are Deaf, a CODA, or are hearing/fluent in ASL, and are currently involved in the Deaf community, prayerfully consider applying to serve in the ASL ministry.